New Test Provides Quicker Detection of Enterovirus

Lisa Feierstein Asthma, Breathe EZ Leave a comment  

Quite the stir erupted in September with the spread of a respiratory illness most dangerous to asthmatics and children. Doctors initially struggled testing for the disease since the Center for Disease Control didn’t have a recommendation for a test. As of Oct. 14, the CDC issued a press release about a new, quicker lab test. Initially we may see a rise in confirmed cases, but keep in mind this is due in part to the more rapid test results.

Most CDC-confirmed cases of EV-D68 this year have been among children, especially those with asthma or a history of wheezing. Doctors recommend frequent hand washing to prevent the spread of the disease, and those that contract the illness should avoid contact with others. There is no vaccine to prevent EV-D68, so these preventative measures are especially important in keeping the illness from spreading.

Keep Your Child from Getting and Spreading Enterovirus D68.  Avoid close contact with sick people. Wash your hands often with soap and water. Cover Your coughs and sneezes.  Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.  Clean and disinfect surfaces.  Stay home when you’re sick.  For more information, see

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