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Five Healthy New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Families

Lisa Feierstein Breathe EZ, Children's Health Leave a comment   , , , , ,

Have you already abandoned your New Year’s resolutions? Given that face, one wonders if it is worth it to make resolutions for our families. Many resolutions center on improving our health – like eating less fast food, losing weight or starting an exercise program. Set your family up for success in the New Year with these resolution tips.

Making Resolutions is Family Goal-setting

• Remember to get input from everyone in the family
• Set small goals – they will be more achievable
• Adjust your plan to be age-appropriate for all your family members
• Prioritize and focus on a few key goals
• Track your progress – use family meetings to remind and reinforce your resolutions

Five Healthy Resolution Ideas for Your Family

Reduce Screen Time – Yes that means your phone too!

Virtual school and COVID restrictions mean more time at home – this makes it even harder to avoid excessive screen time. Consider spending time outdoors, puzzles, or board game tournaments. Adults, kids and the whole family can find new hobbies or spend more time with current ones.

Make Healthy Eating a Priority – Say Yes to Fruits and Veggies and No to Diets

Rather than a hard to stick to diet that leaves everyone craving treats and sweets – commit to meal planning and cooking together. Why not try a new fruit or vegetable each week? Remember to include everyone in meal preparation and planning.

Increase Movement – All physical activity counts, not just traditional exercise programs.

If exercise or working out is a hard sell, increasing movement of all types can be fun and heart pumping – think dancing, trips to playgrounds, or nature-themed scavenger hunts.

Share the Load of Household Tasks – Everyone should help with chores

No one likes doing chores, but the old time adage, ‘Many hands make light work,’ is also true. The process is even harder if you expend more energy reminding kids (or adults) to do their chose. Other options to consider include a ‘chore jar’ where everyone can pick their assignment for the day or coming week.

Champion a Cause – Teach the importance of Community Service

New Year’s resolutions don’t just need to be about improving oneself, but can also look outward to our communities and world. Research and study to come up with a list of causes that are important to your family. As an example your family can support protecting the environment by composting, recycling and purchasing products made from recycled materials.

Embrace small changes and celebrate your achievements as you work to make new healthy habits as a family in the coming year. Good luck with your New Year’s resolutions. Let us know how it goes!

Additional Resources

Exercising with Asthma
Six Best and Worst Foods for Asthmatics
7 Tips for Teaching Kids How to Set Goals

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