E-Cigarettes: Continued Health Threat for Youth

Lisa Feierstein Breathe EZ, Children's Health Leave a comment   , , ,

Juul e-cigarette

Kids are now facing a new threat that is taking over high schools and middle schools across the United States – a new type of E-cigarette called Juul. Many parents may lack information on how E-cigarettes are spreading throughout their children’s schools and in their own neighborhoods.

Some teens and young adults find the E-cigarette Juul attractive because of its sleek design. The device can be easily charged on a laptop and go unnoticed by parents and teachers. Teens are drawn to Juul for a number of reasons, like its trendy decal skins, and the multiple flavors.

Studies have shown that most teens and young adults do not know that they are smoking nicotine, they think they are smoking water vapor when they are using Juul. Since nicotine is the prime ingredient in these devices, parents and school administrators are concerned.

Not only can nicotine be extremely addictive but it can be very harmful to teens and young adults in many ways such as:

  • Memory loss and attention loss for a developing teenage brain
  • Also increased risk for future addiction to other drug

Schools Educate about the Dangers of Juul E-Cigarettes

Parents and school administrators should worry about the long term effects of students using Juul or any other E-cigarettes.

Schools are trying their best to prevent usage of E-cigarettes on school grounds. Some schools have even installed detectors that scan the air for chemical changes and alert an administrator. Schools are also holding classes to review the dangers of using Juul with their students. They are also holding workshops to educate teachers and support staff on what a Juul is and how it works.

For more information about E-Cigarettes, the Juul device and the effects of using it check out the website www.tobaccofreekids.org

Additional Resources:

The Double Threat of Vaping

More information on E-Cigarette usage among youth from the Surgeon General

Image of Juul e-cigarette: By Mylesclark96 [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons

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